Your gravest mistake wasn't failing to find the answer. You can't find the right answer if you ask the wrong questions.

I am a Muslim woman
Feel free to ask me why
When I walk I walk with dignity

When I speak I do not lie
I am a Muslim woman
Not all of me you'll see

But what you should appreciate
Is that the choice I make is free
I'm not plagued with depression
I'm neither cheated nor abused

I don't envy other women
And I'm certainly not confused
Note, I speak perfect English
Et un petit peu de Francais aussie

I'm majoring in Linguistics
So you need not speak slowly
I run my own small business
Every cent I earn is mine

I drive my Chevy to school & work
And no, that's not a crime!
You often stare as I walk by
You don't understand my veil

But peace and power I have found
As I am equal to any male!

I am a Muslim woman
So please don't pity me
For Allaah has guided me to truth

And now I'm finally free!

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